I had to tell someone something important today. I’m glad I did it, feeling positive.
And I’m glad to have the friends I have, they’re awesome :)
I had to tell someone something important today. I’m glad I did it, feeling positive.
And I’m glad to have the friends I have, they’re awesome :)
TODO: write a blog about nomad, which is becoming a fairly decent ANSI-in-ANSI-out terminal.
I regret never really having a go-to username. Recently I’ve been defaulting to “lukeke” but I’m not sure I even like it.
My personal site is dying to be re-written as a hugo app. At the moment it’s React and it’s actually not that bloated - weighing in at < 100kB but still, that’s enough to send the resulting HTML roughly 100 times over…
I want to write a blog on DNS and how we could easily create a single TLD that could be made Open.
Or maybe I’m just not feeling creative enough trying to come up with a new domain name 😅
I want to build an analytics reporter that takes nginx logs as input and exposes the logs publicly over an API that I can visualise in fun ways.
I didn’t realise 100r had an entire site dedicated to their recipes: https://grimgrains.com/
Looks like I’ve found the inspiration I’ve been looking for, and not just in terms of cooking!
I’ve just realised that the philosophy I aspire to is very close to that of [https://100r.co/site/about_us.html](Hundred Rabbits).
I check in on these two occasionally, but I want to go back and read more of their stuff and play around more with their software.
they are just so cool.
I really want to get a few more of my Hugo format ideas up.
Latest idea for a business: solve the “planned obsolesce” problem by creating an engineering company centered around ruthlessly dividing up each manufactured device into components that can be easily replaced. Efficiency might be a small sacrifice to pay to keep each component working for as long as possible.
I’m pretty sure there are good reasons for this not being an easy thing to achieve, but all that scrap going to landfill seems avoidable.
I remember they tried it with phones but it didn’t really get anywhere.
I obviously have no idea what it’s like to service appliances, but given the number of manufacturers and models and things that could go wrong, I’m wondering if there’s a more efficient economy here.